Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hopkins Hustle 2015 - Bids Now Available!


We are now accepting bids for Hopkins Hustle 2015!

When: May 9-10, 2015
Where: Twin Cities Polo Grounds (Maple Plain, MN) 
Teams: 40 Youth Open, 20 Youth Girls 
Cost: $325 per individual team, or $590 for A/B Squads 
Bids: Click here to complete your bid VIA Google Docs! 

*Bids deadline is Friday, April 3rd. 

*Due to the weather cancellation last year, we will be publishing a formal weather policy on our website by Friday, February 13th. If you have questions or concerns, please email me below.

Note: Bids will be accepted on a rolling basis for the Hopkins Hustle. Please ensure you are submitting your bid early to guarentee a spot in the event. Your bid is not complete until a check is received! 

*Update 3/21/15*: Roughly 50 bids have been received so far! Make sure to send your check if you haven't already to secure your spot!

You can stay up to date with all information regarding the event on our website listed below.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Ben Feldman

Friday, February 6, 2015

Hopkins Hustle Weather/Rain Out Policy


In the event the event has to be cancelled prior to the tournament due to severe rain fall at the field site, Hopkins Ultimate will refund as much of each entry fee as possible while still covering fixed expenses and costs from vendors that are non-refundable. If the fields conditions are in question due to excessive rain in the weeks leading up to the tournament, a formal decision will be communicated to captains and coaches 48 hours prior to the event on whether or not the tournament will being going forward.

If inclement weather is experienced during the event, our staff will explore all possibilities in attempting to get games in, including changing formats, shortening games, updating or compressing the schedule, etc.  Related decisions are made by the tournament director and are non-negotiable and final. Refunds in this situation are not guaranteed, and will be to the discretion of the Hopkins Ultimate board and the tournament director based on the amount of games played by the participating teams.

If you have any question or concerns, please feel free to reach out! Here is to better weather this time around!

Ben Feldman
Hopkins Hustle TD